Forgive the multiple posts today! I am trying to do a little blog clean up! I had some things in my side bar, my recommended resources for herbal info, mushrooms, gardening etc as big long lists.. I changed those into just one line links that would take you to posts here at Comfrey Cottages. Sorry they are mostly US based links.. I will update as I find good resources to recommend, including ones for my friends in other parts of the world…Just was needing to de-clutter…
I also disconnected from Networked blogs… Facebook seems to have turned into one big place for so many people to just advertise themselves.. I wanted to just step back from that aspect, and since that is what Networked blogs app is for, to recruit followers, maybe sell products on Facebook, I decided to disconnect.. that isn’t what Comfrey Cottages is all about.
Comfrey Cottages is a creative outlet for me. A place to store information and share with my friends, family my teachers and fellow students in my two herbal class adventures. So again, forgive the multiple posting today… What I can’t get cleaned up nicely today.. I will sweep under the rug for tomorrow ;^)
Herbal and Honey Hugs to YOU xxx
Making it simpler, HS! I did some of the real cleaning in my house! Definitely was time for a bit of that! xxoo LVL
Yes Well, I should clean my house and computer/emails/photos/car blah.....the list goes on....and on
Pinterest is a great place to store visuals from the web and blogs(much nicer than long bookmarks). I dislke facebook, but I suppose everyone is there....
Nancy, I need to clean my den.. it is disgraceful xx
WD... facebook, ugh, I don't really like it much either.. I usually just interact with my family and maybe a dozen good friends.. I like to sometimes just go check my pages I have liked :) Yes, that is how I use Pinterest too! Much nice than bookmarks!
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