This Imbolc issue has Elsie and Pooka sharing a recipe using foods that are traditionally used this time of year… cream, eggs and butter! An easy recipe to make with the child(ren) in your life. Take time to start some great discussions on where these foods come from.
In Elsie’s garden, she is sharing some simple methods to begin growing plants inside, in preparation for spring and trying to draw a plan for her garden… with Pooka’s help:)
The Storybook chair shares with us about growing Patience. Something we all might need as we wait for spring!
Lora Craig–Gaddis, the creator of the Pooka Pages, has granted me permission to use her artwork featured in this blog post. Thank you Lora! For you grownups, I invite you to visit Lora’s Gruenwold Cottage. There you can find one of the coolest herb rooms ever, lots of great recipes, beautiful stories about crows, music, poems, gardening, herb usage and all sorts of magical fun! Make sure and visit every room and in one, you will find a special book that will tell you more about Lora!
There is a special link on the Pooka Pages about Grimalkin, a new friend of the Comfrey Cottages kitties:)
Hugs to all who visit Comfrey Cottages xx
What a lovely site. I really love the two quotes about witches on the home page, very special.
And what can I say about Pooka! What a gorgeous chap he is!
How are you brood getting on? I guess the kittens will be looking very grown up now.
So cute! :D
I enjjoyed reading your post
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