Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You’re Busted Lady!…Not!

white aster aster

so yesterday i played nanny/granny to dylan all day. at 3 we went to meet lily and evan, and breven and brodie, as dylan had not seen them for awhile. after letting them all play awhile,  i brought dylan to his house and lily came home with me for for some private mama time. when i brought her home around 6 i was itching to be outside some more. lily and i had worked on closing up most of the ventilation holes on the hives and blocking the wind from the underneath sides. it has been getting so cool at nite. well, i decided to just drive out west of town and see what i could see. i soon spied some lovely native aster growing. now the bees LOVE asters, and i thought cool, think i will stop and dig some up to transplant. so i get out and get my shovel (i always carry a shovel lol)  and was happily digging an aster up, when a county police car pulls up behind me with his lights on! he gets out and asks me what i am doing. i tell him i am digging up a native aster. he looks at me weird, talks in his shoulder microphone and then asks me again what i am doing, but this time with a look of confusion. i say”i am digging up a native aster to transplant into my yard. i am a beekeeper and i just thought i would bring my bees home a present as they love asters.” he still looks a bit confused, but talks in his shoulder mic again and then says, well for me to be careful as it is a busy road, and he gets in his cruiser and departs! afterwards, while driving back to town it occured to me why he had shown up lights ablazing…. without thinking about it i had chose to go digging within site of the guard towers of our local prison! i wonder if they thought i was going to dig a tunnel?! lol hmmmm wonder what they will think tomorrow when my friend val and i go just a bit further up that hill to harvest sunchokes!!!lol

big herbal and honey hugs to all who visit comfrey cottages!


Anonymous said...

LOL Lucky you weren't in the UK. It's illegal there to dig up any native plant.

*Ulrike* said...

LOL, LOL!!! I got the biggest kick out of that! It sounds like something I would do too as I am always on the lookout for plants that the honeybees would like. We did lose another hive. Since the rain has finally stopped here we are going to double check all of ours to make sure they are safe and secure for the coming winter.
I'm still laughing...our minds do get side tracked when we see flowers!!

Anke said...

Glad you didn't get arrested for digging up a plant. :-) Wouldn't that have been something to write about...

Rita M said...

LOL!! Almost arrested , just like Anke said - that have been something to write about :o)
I've also dug out a few native plants this year and put them in my garden Leslie. Be carefull my friend.

Comfrey Cottages said...

well everyone wish me luck because this afternoon i am going for some more hops, which again, are in kind of an "iffy " spot!lol i will be mailing seeds to go soon anke! i am glad i am not in the uk then karlindaadoption!lol and ulrike, i do believe we get side tracked by the flowers. so sorry you lost another hive! and i will be carefu rita! love and hugs to all of you:)

Comfrey Cottages said...

oh my gosh linda! i didn't know about that blog of yours:)

Lemon Verbena Lady said...

I guess I have to keep one eye on you! LOL! You are having way too many adventures!

jimmycrackedcorn said...

Good story! Ha!