Happy Earth Day everyone! Does anyone have anything special they are going to do today? What are some of the things you do to help world and her inhabitants on a regular basis? Today I am going to Lily's class to help it celebrate the day. I have Dylan, the 1 yr. old today also, so it should be a blast! Lily is in afternoon Little Learners, rather like the Headstart preschool program. I the school celebrates as a whole this friday. I was invited to bring in an observation hive and present a program about them three times for that day, but our whole family is just too tied up with the upcoming wedding that day! Bummer! Maybe I can do it next year!:) Big world hug to each of you who visit Comfrey Cottages! :)
Sounds like a fun day! It is supposed to be a beautiful day here, so I will probably be outside in the garden. And I'll be recycling duck poop & bedding into compost! ;) Happy Earth Day!
Well, I picked up some trash as I walked the dogs this morning. I suppose that counts! My goal this year is to try to keep the paths, ditches, and hedgerows where I walk the dogs cleaner this year.
Wow, sounds like we are just a bunch of grannies! Kendall is on her way over, then pick up Mackenzie at school. Then in the yard to mulch, weed, and look for worms!
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