Snow on the ground, 4 degrees Fahrenheit outside, so what’s a body to do but… revisit the design an herb garden, which we will be planting in the spring. Adding 21 herbs we will be primarily focusing . Learning about their different soils, water, sun requirements and their different propagation methods. I wanted to incorporate many of the 21 herbs, but also incorporate others herbs and edibles in my design. After hours, upon hours of making graphs,( in order to match up soil, light, growing room, etc plants with others needing the same thing), I came up with the above plan. Eric (Comfrey Cottages Two) and I will be putting in the above design in at his gardens. This works out just lovely as I am across the road at my son Tommy’s house almost daily tending Dylan, so Comfrey Cottages Two is as convenient as my own gardens:) For anyone who hasn’t room to garden or keep bees, I highly recommend considering if you could do so at a friend or relatives home, that might be nearby. So, I am re-exploring the garden design. I spent a good bit of time yesterday getting some seeds ordered and will be looking for the plants of a few of them.
Earlier this year, Eric, my hubby and I went to Burlington, Iowa to the junior college. Once a month from April through September the Southeast Iowa pigeon club, hosts a large flea market kind of affair, on the college grounds. We love to go over as you never know what you will find! On one of our trips, we luckily found a little portable greenhouse for seed starting this year. Similar to the one in the link, only ours has a zipper. Now for the perfect place to put it…
Hugs to all who visit Comfrey Cottages
I had so much fun with that lesson of the Gladstar course. Then I moved and had to do it all again. So hang on to that lesson. I bet you will refer back to it more than most of the others.
Wonderful! I love your updates.
It's a beautifully drawn plan, with many herbs,and located so close to you, that's perfectly.
Lots of fun for you both.
Have a nice day Leslie
Thank you for the advice Stephany:) I pray I never have to move again in my life! lol Moved too much when I was younger. Unless I win the lottery, then off to a secluded mountaintop with a lake on it;-) lol xx
Glad you are enjoying my posting Val:) Just a little way for me to keep track of things!xx
Hi Rita! The plan took just hours to figure out! Yes, so glad that I can do this at Eric's garden:) Big hugs and much love to you dear one xxxx
Lovely garden plan!
Never seen someone growing 'plantain' in a garden bed...
Very nice!
Well Brigitte, it does seem kind of funny to grow plantain or even dandelion, but I want a nice spot where I know they are clean and safe for medicine and convenient for harvest;) I know it grows just everywhere, but I wanted to see how it does under cultivation:)
Sounds like your program is pretty neat. Keep sharing and keep the dogs out of your new garden:)
Lovely to see your plan Leslie, I'm just in the process of working mine out for spring plantings in our new home.
It's so exciting isn't it!
Love to you, I'm so glad Earl is feeling better xxx
Yes I will have to make sure doggies and kitties stay out! lolxx
Oh and it is exciting Lucinda:) I am glad Earl is better also! whew!xx
Oh when it comes to herbs or planning an herb garden, I'm in. Your plans look fantastic. Can't wait to see the results although, considering the time of year I guess I'm in for a wait. :)))
Hi Leslie,
Planning and dreaming about my garden is one of my favorite wintertime activities! Your plan looks wonderful, and I love that you've made special spaces for the weeds that people normally try to keep out - that is wonderful! The course you are doing sounds so fun! Can't wait to see how things start progressing in the spring when your plan gets to unfold into reality :)
My front garden is directly in front of my house; literally 10ft from the road! Not much space to do anything. A few years ago I read a book on French Kitchen Gardens (potager) by Georgeanne Brennan & fell in love w idea @ my house. So, 2yrs ago I dug-up the South section 10ftx14ft & sectioned it off with raised landscape timber & filled in with extra dirt. The past 2yrs has been hit & miss w veggies. Tomatoes, pole beans, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, strawberries do well. This yr I plan to do more vertical & "square ft" gardening. I'm really looking forward to digging-up the other plot & starting a whole section just for herbs! We will post pics when when start :) ~ Erik
I am in for a wait, also Rosemary! lol xx
Danielle, it is fun to include the 'weeds" ;D This first level has a lot of them included as our first 21 herbs. Whereas I am able to gather many of them wild, it will be sooo nice to have a nice, clean easy to harvest from spot! lol xxx
Erik, I will remember you said this would be fun;-D xx
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